Your child's well-being is your number one priority, so it's normal to have a lot of questions about our gymnastics classes. Here's a list of our most frequently asked questions and answers:
Q: "What if a student wishes to discontinue class prior to the end of the semester?"
A: Every student is signed up with the intention of completing the semester. Any student wishing to discontinue class must notify the office in writing by the 15th of the month. If notice is not given, we will assume you are continuing, and you will be billed for subsequent months.
Q: "How are the payments set up?"
A: Payments are taken for four-week periods (monthly). Payments are due the 25th of each month. For any payment type, late fees are only assessed when payments are not received by the date due. Here is the current semester schedule:
Fall: 17 weeks, spanning mid-August to December
Spring: 20 weeks, spanning January to May
Summer: 9-10 weeks, scheduled during school summer break
Q: "What if we miss a class?"
A: If your child misses a class at Somersaults, you are welcome to reschedule up to three of your missed classes, if space is available! Just give the office a call and we can set up a time that will fit your schedule, as well as ours. If you know ahead of time that you will be absent, tell us so we can plan ahead.
Q: "What is the cost for gymnastics?"
A: All students will be charged a registration fee at signup of each semester. Tuition is billed monthly and is dependent on the class type and workout time required for the class.
Q: "What is the proper attire for boys and girls in your classes?"
A: Girls must wear a leotard, and long hair must be put up. Boys must wear a t-shirt and shorts. Socks or bare feet-no tights. No jewelry.